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Legal Notice / Disclosure Fronius Australia Pty Ltd

The Website is placed at your disposal by Fronius International GmbH.


Basic bias of this medium:

This web portal serves as a promotional medium for goods and services distributed by our company, as well as the representation of our company.


Proprietor and editor of this medium:

Fronius International GmbH


Nature and purpose of the media's proprietor:

Manufacturing and distribution of products in the field of Perfect Charging, Perfect Welding and Solar Energy.


Place of business of the media's proprietor:

Froniusstraße 1

A-4643 Pettenbach


Place of business of the company:

Fronius Australia Pty Ltd

90-92 Lambeck Drive

Tullamarine VIC 3043


Management of the company:

Mariella Doppelbauer




Tel.: +61/3/8340 2900


Commercial register number:

Commercial register number: ABN 65144615895

UID: 917382438


Information about online dispute resolution:

The European Commission provides a platform for extrajudicial online settlements (OS-platform), accessible under

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